Web Design
Capturing the Fun of Going to Camp
This long established camp wanted a fresher look that conveyed the spirit and excitement of their camp. Fireman Creative created a website that would distinguish Emma Kaufmann Camp from the rest. Using a fun color palette, friendly illustrations, and an intuitive layout, campers and parents alike will easily find the camp information that they are looking for whether looking on a desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Explore all the EKC has to Offer
Visitors are engaged with an interactive map, that is not only entertaining, with photos and videos of the camp, but also welcomes campers with a virtual tour of the camp grounds. As users visit points on the map, pop-ups display media or text that provides more information about that building or activity. This map helps first-time campers gain some familiarity with the camp before they arrive, so they are more comfortable and ready to experience the fun of camp.

Kid Approved Illustrations
These illustrations were created to give the website a fun look and appeal to campers. They are used throughout the website and on the interactive map to guide visitors to the sections they are seeking as well as to provide icons to direct them to related items.