Web Design
Responsive, Modular Design
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is the world’s premier non-profit organization dedicated to achieving lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workplace equality. Bold icons, photos, and videos showcase all that Out & Equal has to offer, from finding work to finding a helping hand.
We created 10 modules for slideshows, galleries, images, events, downloads, and more that can be rearranged or excluded on any page of the site creating a fully custom experience that’s easy to modify, and looks amazing everywhere. Mobile friendly design at every dimension, this site responds to each user’s device to ensure a great experience on any screen.

Brand Refresh
The Out & Equal Brand embodies values of equality and justice in the workplace through the use of simple fonts, bold colors, and a new mark. The Ampersand highlights inclusivity and diversity as many different parts join together to form a circle which represents the notions of totality, wholeness, and unity. Together with the word mark Out & Equal proudly declares they are indeed out and equal, and ready to work to ensure everybody can be out and equal in the workplace and beyond. Applied across media, the Out & Equal brand gives a unified voice to print materials, social media, website, and any place where their organization has a presence.