Web Design
Communicating Impact
The Pennsylvania Resources Council, or PRC, is the oldest grassroots environmental nonprofit in the state and a leader in education and advocacy focused on landfills, litter, illegal dumping, recycling, and resource management. We worked as partners with PRC to create a website that serves both its West and East Pennsylvania offices, communicates all that the organization does, and helps garner support online.

Graphic Design
Getting Involved in Going Green
The site features well-organized, streamlined information that invites visitors to get involved. Online event registration, an events calendar, and an easy-to-use donation form make it easy for newcomers to support PRC’s work. Information can be found quickly through a site-wide search, as well as through program and topic-specific searches. All of these elements are contained within a custom content management system that allows PRC to easily update content, create new pages, and change the site navigation.